Can You Leave Boiled Eggs Out Overnight or 24 Hours?

Last Updated on December 1, 2022 by Claire

Can you leave boiled eggs out overnight? Boiled eggs are a healthy and affordable food staple. Most people enjoy having them as an easy-to-make breakfast or snack.

You can leave boiled eggs out safely for a maximum of two hours in temperatures under 90° F, and one hour in temperatures over 90° F. When eggs are left out for more than two hours in temperatures above 40° F to 140° F, there is a risk of bacteria growth and food poisoning rendering the eggs unsafe for consumption.

Like other foods, boiled eggs should be properly stored to avoid health hazards.

Keep reading so you can learn more about the safety tips concerning the consumption of hard-boiled eggs. Answers to some frequently asked questions about boiled eggs are also included.

can you leave boiled eggs out overnight

Can You Leave Boiled Eggs Out Overnight?

Like other foods, boiled eggs are very prone to harmful bacteria growth when they have been left at room temperature for an extended time. This is because eggs can be contaminated with Salmonella, according to the CDC.

According to the USDA, unrefrigerated hard-boiled eggs can sit out for a maximum of 2 hours in temperatures under 90° F, or one hour in temperatures above 90° F. Peeled or unpeeled hard-boiled eggs can last a week in the fridge.

The heat applied during the boiling process compromises the eggshell’s integrity and sturdiness, making it highly susceptible to cracks. The boiling process also removes the protective layer that keeps the egg safe from bacteria.

Once the shell is cracked or has holes in it from the boiling process, the egg inside is exposed to the outside air, which carries harmful bacteria searching for a host. These bacteria can compromise the safety of boiled eggs or any other food that is left sitting out for an extended time.

The FDA recommends putting the eggs in an ice bath to ‘shock’ and cools them down immediately after boiling. After cooling, they should be stored in the refrigerator if you are not using them immediately.

Some countries employ a certain type of scrubbing process to remove the contaminants and bacteria present in eggs and other dairy products from unsanitary farming conditions. This process differs from that used by the United States.

How do you know if boiled eggs are spoiled?

When boiled eggs are spoiled, they typically give off a strong sulfuric smell that is more noticeable when removed from the shell. Although there may be other signs when an egg is spoiled, the odor is the first thing people notice.

To check to see if a hard-boiled egg has gone bad, you will most likely need to remove it from the shell and perform a few tests to ensure its safety.

If the boiled egg is smelly, then it is not safe to eat. The egg white should also be firm and the yolk clean. Any signs of green or black mold on the egg indicate it is bad and unsafe for consumption.

In some cases, the odor from a boiled egg that has gone bad may not be noticeable at first glance since the smell is most likely contained within the shell. Cracks on the eggshell often help to spread this odor.

You should remove the outer shell, and then look at the egg itself. Sometimes cutting it open may be necessary to check for any discolorations indicating that it has gone bad.

Finally, if the smell and appearance seem normal, you may want to take a tiny nibble to determine whether it still tastes as it should.

It’s advisable to discard boiled eggs if you leave them out overnight or if they have been in the refrigerator for more than a week.

What happens if you eat a boiled egg that is spoiled?

Eating a spoiled boiled egg may cause various types of illness or infections, depending on the individual’s health and certain risk factors. Salmonella infection is the most common infection caused by the consumption of bad eggs, resulting in nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and fever.

People with a compromised immune system and those above 65 years are most especially at risk of salmonella infection.

Proper storage and a watchful eye are recommended before the consumption of boiled eggs to prevent any resultant infections or illness.

Although boiled eggs can last up to a week or longer if they are refrigerated, there is always a risk. So you must ensure you only consume eggs that are still good.

If you have accidentally eaten a boiled egg that has gone bad, there are things you can do to take care of yourself. But you must keep in mind that food poisoning symptoms have to run their course.

You should keep yourself hydrated and make sure someone is around to keep an eye on you in case you need medical attention.

What happens if you eat an undercooked egg?

There is a risk of getting an illness or infection if you eat an undercooked egg.

If you notice that the inside of your boiled egg is runny or milky, then it is not fully cooked.

If you experience any symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, and fever after eating an undercooked egg, then you should seek medical attention.

Can I reheat boiled eggs to make them safe to eat?

The fact is that reheating boiled eggs that have been left out overnight does not make them safe to eat.

Reheating does not totally remove the bacteria present in them so it’s best you throw them away.

You can only reheat boiled eggs that have been properly stored the first time, and you must consume them within seven days.

Can you freeze boiled eggs?

Although it may seem like a sensible option to freeze your boiled eggs after seven days if you haven’t used them, it is a really bad idea.

The reason being is this: When boiled eggs are frozen, the white becomes tough and rubbery, and the egg yolk also turns into an odd color and texture.

To avoid some really odd-looking boiled eggs, it is best not to freeze them.

Is it safe to eat a gray yolk?

When an egg has been overcooked, the yolk will turn from a yellow color to a greenish-gray color.

It is safe to eat a gray-yol ked egg, but it won’t taste very good. To test if your boiled eggs are done, you can check one to see if the yolk is hard and yellow.

If it is, then your eggs are done, but if the yolk is still ‘milky’, then continue boiling them for a minute or two more.

Why do my boiled eggs seem slimy?

There are a number of different reasons your boiled eggs may seem slimy.

  1. The eggs were not cooled down properly after cooking. In other words, they continued cooking even after being removed from the boiling water.
  2. The eggs have been stored at inappropriate temperatures allowing rapid growth of bacteria. This causes the eggs to become slimy.
  3. This might be an indication that the egg is starting to spoil. If your boiled eggs are slimy, then it is best to throw them away.

Are boiled eggs supposed to smell?

Sometimes your boiled eggs might give off an offensive odor right after cooking. This is due to the sulfur dioxide gas released when boiled eggs are overcooked.

This is mostly down to traces of iron in the egg yolk and sulfur in the white.

Although this odor is unpleasant, it isn’t dangerous. You will also notice that the eggs lack flavor and possess an odd texture.

To avoid this, put the eggs in an ice bath to ‘shock’ and cool them down immediately after cooking or boiling.

Can you leave eggs sitting in water?

You must avoid leaving your boiled eggs in water for an extended time to prevent contaminants from seeping into the shell.

Although the FDA recommends putting the eggs in an ice bath to cool them down after boiling, they should be stored in the refrigerator right after if you are not using them immediately.

You can let the eggs sit in hot water for the following amount of time:

  • Extra-large eggs: 15 minutes
  • Large eggs: 12 minutes
  • Medium eggs: 9 minutes

When the time is up, you should pour out the hot water and then run cold water over the eggs as this will help them cool down faster.

Then check one egg to see if the yolk is hard and yellow. If it is hard and yellow, then your eggs are done and ready to eat. Boiled eggs that are left in water for too long are more likely to spoil.

Can you put boiled eggs in the fridge when they are still hot?

As with any other food, you must allow boiled eggs to cool down before refrigerating them. If you refrigerate food while it is still hot, the fridge temperature will increase which can cause other food items to spoil prematurely.

As earlier said, putting your eggs into cold water after boiling rather than letting them cool naturally helps them cool down faster and prevents them from becoming slimy.


Boiled eggs have a variety of applications to suit every individual’s needs.

However, they need to be properly stored in appropriate conditions to prevent them from spoiling and putting you at risk of contracting infections or illness.

Follow the tips given in this article to store your boiled eggs properly and keep them safe for consumption.