Is Epsom Salt The Same As Sea Salt – Surprising Facts

Last Updated on July 22, 2022 by

For thousands of years, natural salts and minerals have been utilized for therapeutic, cosmetic, and natural healing reasons. While it could appear like everything is the same, there are clear distinctions among the wide varieties of natural salts. Epsom salts and Sea salts are two of the most highly praised. Is Epsom Salt The Same As Sea Salt?

No, they are not. Despite having a similar appearance, they vary in a few ways. For example, sea salt and Epsom salt function as all-natural pain relievers when used in baths. Additionally, when combined with essential oils, they constitute a useful supplement to beauty rituals.

What Is Epsom Salt

Epsom salt, a combination of magnesium and sulfate found in rock-like formations, is one of numerous naturally occurring mineral salts. The term “Epsom salt” refers to a salt deposit allegedly found around 400 years ago in the English town of Epsom, which is just a short distance from London. Although it resembles table salt, it tastes harsh and isn’t intended for consumption. Instead, most people disperse it in warm water for a soak in the tub to relax or soothe tight muscles.

Benefits Of Epsom Salt

Stress Reduction

While some experts contend that the warm bath alone relieves stress, others hold that Epsom salt stabilizes mood and helps reduce tension, anxiety, and depression. In addition, some claim that ingesting magnesium causes your brain to produce more serotonin (the hormone associated with pleasure or relaxation).

Provides Magnesium

The body has four times as much magnesium as calcium, the first mineral. As a result, it participates in more than 325 metabolic processes that are advantageous to your neurological system and heart. Unfortunately, many individuals don’t get enough magnesium in their diets. Even if you do, things like dietary phytates and oxalates might prevent your body from absorbing as much.


While magnesium sulfate is useful as a magnesium supplement, some individuals contend that Epsom salt baths may be superior for absorbing magnesium to oral intake. However, there is no proof to support this assertion. Magnesium is not absorbed via human skin, at least not in any scientifically significant proportions, according to researchers.

Reduces Constipation

Constipation is often treated with magnesium. Because it attracts water into your colon, which encourages bowel motions, it seems to be beneficial. Magnesium is often given orally to relieve constipation in the form of magnesium citrate or magnesium hydroxide.


Epsom salt is also reportedly effective, even though this has not been well investigated. However, the FDA describes it as a laxative that is authorized. Following the instructions on the packaging, it may be consumed by mouth with water.


The standard recommendation for adults is to take 2–6 teaspoons (10–30 grams) of Epsom salt at a time, dilute in at least 8 ounces (237 ml) of water, and drink right away. A laxative action should start in 30 minutes to 6 hours.


Additionally, you should be aware that taking Epsom salt may cause unfavorable side effects, including bloating and watery stools. Therefore, it shouldn’t be taken as a long-term remedy but as a laxative.

Muscle Pain

Epsom salt is used to relax the muscles and ease headache, neck, back, and shoulder discomfort. For example, the magnesium in Epsom salt may aid in the relief of a headache or migraine by relaxing the muscles around your brain. This effect may also help tired muscles recover more quickly after an exercise.


Magnesium may help lower organ inflammation, according to some doctors. As a result, the risk of cardiovascular disease may be decreased, and digestion and bowel movements may be improved.

What Is Sea Salt

Salt water is evaporated to produce sea salt. Since the dawn of humanity, sea salt has been used by mankind, and modern kitchens still often include it. In addition to its culinary use, sea salt is often added to body scrubs, baths, drinks, and a variety of other goods.


Sea salt is mainly sodium chloride, a chemical that aids in the body’s fluid balance and blood pressure regulation. Because it is barely processed, it includes minerals such as potassium, iron, and calcium. This is one of the reasons it is generally thought to be nutritionally better than table salt, which has been severely processed and most of its nutrients removed.

Benefits Of Sea Salt

Promotes Hydration

Sea salt is incredibly good at keeping us hydrated. The quantity of nutrients in sea salt also satisfies our thirst for a longer length of time and allows us to hold on to fluids for longer. Table salt, on the other hand, dehydrates us and drains vital minerals from our bodies. It also makes us need it more since our bodies require minerals found in real sea salt that processed table salt cannot provide. This is why you should limit your sodium consumption if you just use table salt.


Some people think that drinking sea salt combined with warm water assists digestion. Chloride is required to produce stomach acid, while sodium chloride (salt) aids in the absorption and delivery of nutrients after digestion breaks down. As a result, getting adequate salt supports good gut health.


While drinking sea salt combined with water may help digestion in certain cases, drinking too much salt water may lead to excessive salt consumption. Getting enough salt from other sources is most likely sufficient to ensure proper digestion.

Electrolyte Balance

Due to their high mineral composition, salt electrolytes include magnesium, calcium, potassium, and sodium. Because of their key involvement in the neurological system, these electrolytes are essential for muscle, brain, and heart health. Instead of buying sugary electrolyte drinks at the store, try mixing sea salt with water and a splash of lemon juice.

Helps To Prevent Muscular Cramping

When your electrolytes are depleted, you may have muscular aches, cramps, charley horse, or even restless leg syndrome. The absence of nutrients prevents the muscles from relaxing, resulting in uncontrollable contractions. This is why Epsom sea salt baths are advised for muscular weariness of any sort. The magnesium in Epsom salt helps relax and soothe your muscles and whole body.


If you know you’ll be undertaking a rigorous activity, add sea salt to your water before and after to restore your body to the minerals it loses when exercising. Muscle cramps may also be relieved by taking a sea salt bath!

Differences Between Epsom Salt And Sea Salt

Chemical Difference

The main distinction between Epsom salt and sea salt is that Epsom salt is not salt. Don’t be fooled by the word “salt” in the name. Epsom salt is a mineral found in water with high quantities of magnesium and sulfate as the mineral crystallizes in the same way sea salt does.


On the other hand, Epsom salt is composed of magnesium, sulfur, and oxygen, as opposed to sea salts. So, the chemical constituent factor distinguishes Epsom salt from sea salt. While sodium chloride is the active element in salts, Epsom salt does not contain it. So, why are Epsom salts referred to as “salt”? It is termed salt because of its salt-like crystalline structure and other salt-like features.

Difference In Structure

Sea salt is mainly sodium chloride and is obtained by evaporating salt water. It may, however, include trace minerals such as zinc, iron, and potassium, depending on the source. In addition, due to ocean contamination, heavy metals such as lead may be present in trace concentrations.


Sea salt is more absorbent structurally, making it ideal for combining with essential oils. However, due to the hygroscopic nature of sea salt, it must be stored in cold, dry conditions. So, although you may use sea salt in the bath, it should not be kept in a wet location such as a bathroom. On the other hand, Epsom salts have a strong structure and may be stored in your bathroom cabinet.

How Does Epsom Salt Differ From Salt?

Magnesium, sulfur, and oxygen are all components of Epsom salt, commonly referred to as magnesium sulfate. Similar to conventional table salt, or sodium chloride, it has a crystalline form. Epsom salt is unlike regular table salt since it tastes bitter and cannot be used in cooking. Nevertheless, people use Epsom salt because of its purported therapeutic and detoxifying effects.

How Does Epsom Salt Work?

According to the theory, combining Epsom salt with water facilitates the skin’s absorption of magnesium ions. These control various vital biological processes, such as blood pressure, inflammation, and the activity of muscles and nerves. However, the assertions that the body absorbs magnesium ions via the skin are not sufficiently supported by scientific research. Therefore, scientists must do more thorough research to verify Epsom salt’s efficacy in treating various diseases.

Conclusion On Is Epsom Salt The Same As Sea Salt

Sea salt and Epsom salt are not the same things. They have different structural compositions and chemical differences. Sea salt is a lightly processed salt that enhances the taste of dishes and may be used in various home cures. Getting adequate sodium is vital for fluid balance, hydration, and digestion; however, using sea salt to achieve your sodium requirements is unnecessary. Non-culinary use of sea salt, such as adding it to a bath, may enhance skin health and give additional advantages. However, no solid evidence backs up its many health claims.