What Part of Celery Should You Not Eat?

Last Updated on March 21, 2023 by Claire

Celery may be a nutritious green vegetable used in a wide range of recipes, from soups and stews to salads and snacks. Despite being a low-calorie food rich in vitamins and minerals, there are some parts you should not eat. So, what part of celery should you not eat and why should you not eat these parts? This article has been simplified to answer the question without beating about.

What part of celery should you not eat?

What part of celery should you not eat

Generally, no part of celery should be left out of your diet. However, there is one part of celery that is generally not eaten and that is the tough, fibrous strings running along the length of the celery stalks. These strings, also called “celery ribbons,” can be tough and difficult to chew, and some people may find them unpleasant to eat. MSN describes them as “not very appetizing.”

Celery is different from other veggies in that the stalks, leaves, and green outer leaves can all be eaten. But eating a lot of raw celery — that has not been cooked, can work as a goitrogen and cause goiters.

The nutrients in celery leaves are beneficial to your health. They are low in calories and full of vitamins, minerals, fiber, and macronutrients. However, celery leaves are bitter and tough, making them less appealing to consume. So, whether or not you choose to consume it is entirely up to you. The leaves contain oxalic acid, which can cause kidney stones and other health problems if you eat too much of it.  Always eat in moderation and be aware of any food allergies or issues you might have.

The roots are also very healthy, but some people do not eat them because they are tough, woody, and chewy. Also, celery roots have a lot of nitrates, which can turn into cancer-causing nitrites when eaten in large amounts. If you don’t wash and handle the roots properly, they might also have dirt and germs on them that can make you sick.

Which part of celery do we often eat?

Having known the specific part of celery should you not eat, you also want to know what parts are most edible. 

The stalks are part of the celery that we often eat.

Most of the time, the stalks are green, crunchy, and have a slightly sweet taste. They are very healthy and contain many vitamins and minerals.

The leaves and seeds of celery can also be eaten, but they are not as popular as the stalks. Celery can be eaten raw or cooked(it is advisable to cook before eating), or it can be used to add flavor to other foods.

What is the healthiest part of celery?

The healthiest part of celery is the leaves.

Celery leaves are a great way to get vitamins A and C, as well as antioxidants like lutein and zeaxanthin. These nutrients help people see better, boost their immune systems, and protect their bodies from damage caused by free radicals.

Also, the leaves have more calcium, magnesium, and potassium than the stalks. Our bones, muscles, and nerves need these minerals to stay fit. Obviously not part of celery should you not eat — eat this one over and over.

Celery stalks, on the other hand, are also very healthy and contain many vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin K, folate, and potassium. So, to get the most health benefits, it’s best to eat the whole plant, including the stalks and leaves.

When should you not eat celery?

There are times when it is not a good idea to eat celery. Let’s look at some situations in which eating celery might not be good for your health and well-being.

  1. Allergies

If you are allergic to celery, you should not eat celery. Celery allergies aren’t very common, but when they happen, they can be very bad. Celery allergy is often linked to oral allergy syndrome (OAS), which makes the mouth and throat itch and swell up. But in severe cases, it can cause anaphylaxis, which is a violent allergic reaction that can kill. 

  1. Problems with the kidneys

You should not eat a large amount of celery if you have had kidney problems in the past. The reason is that celery has a lot of oxalates, which can likely cause kidney stones.

Oxalates are natural compounds found in a lot of foods, like fruits and veggies. However, when they are in high amounts, they can be harmful. 

  1. Bleeding disorders

Coumarins, which are found in celery, can thin the blood and make people more likely to bleed if they have a bleeding disorder or take blood-thinning medicine.

Coumarins can also be found in foods like parsley and chamomile, as well as in some medicines like warfarin.

Before eating a lot of celery or other foods with coumarins, you should talk to your doctor if you have a bleeding problem or are on blood-thinning medicine.

  1. Not fully pregnancy-friendly

Celery is usually safe to eat while pregnant, but pregnant women should be careful not to eat too much of it.

Celery has a chemical called apiol in it that can trigger the uterus and make it more likely that the baby will come early.

Even though small amounts of celery probably won’t hurt you, pregnant women should talk to their doctor about how much celery and other veggies they should eat.

  1. Digestive problems

Because celery is high in fiber, it can be hard for some people to digest, especially those with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or other digestive problems. Some people also get bloated, gassy, and uncomfortable when they eat too much celery.

If you have problems with your digestive system, you should start with a small amount of celery and slowly increase it to see how your body reacts. If celery makes you feel bad, you should eat less of it or stop eating it altogether.

  1. It can go bad

Celery, like any other food, can go bad and be harmful to your health if you eat it after it has gone bad. When celery goes bad, the stalks get soft and flexible, the color gets pale and faded, and the middle of the stalk starts to hollow out.

Store celery the right way to make sure it stays fresh and safe to eat. It should be kept in a plastic bag or a jar with a lid that can go in the fridge. Wash well under cold water before eating and look out for any signs that it is going bad.

If the celery is sticky, soft, smells bad, or has mold on it, throw it away. When it comes to food safety, it’s always better to be safe than sorry.

How much celery should you eat every day?

Celery is a low-calorie green food that is full of nutrients and can be eaten every day.  Celery plants eaten every day helps keep the bowel bacteria in balance and make it easier to go to the bathroom.

The amount of celery you should eat every day varies from one stalk to four stalks. This is a good amount to eat with a wide range of other veggies. If you eat more than that, your stomach might hurt.

You should also avoid eating any celery that has gone brown or wilted, as this means it is past its prime and may contain harmful bacteria or toxins.


Can you eat all parts of celery?

You can eat all parts of celery. The whole celery plant is edible—the leaves, stalks, roots, and seeds. But one thing you should never do is take a lot of them because that could hurt your health.

Is the leafy part of celery OK to eat?

The leafy part of celery is okay to eat. They are excellent for your health. They have few calories and lots of vitamins, minerals, fiber, and macronutrients. However, you might be affected by the little amounts of dangerous chemicals in the plant if you eat a lot of them.

Is the white part of celery good?

Yes, the white part of celery is good, you can eat it. When the middle of a celery stalk is white, squishy, and full of holes, it doesn’t mean that the celery is dangerous to eat.

Is it bad to eat a whole stalk of celery?

It’s not bad to eat a whole stalk of celery. What is bad is eating very big, uncooked amounts over and over again, which could lead to goiters, or an enlarged thyroid gland.