Sunflower Butter Vs Peanut Butter – Whats The Difference

Last Updated on June 8, 2022 by

Sunflower butter is created from sunflower seeds, and peanut butter is made from peanuts. SunButter is widely used as a substitute for peanut butter by persons who are allergic to peanuts. They are, however, vastly different. Sunflower seed butter is higher in vitamin E and iron and has a lower saturated fat content than peanut butter.

Sunflower butter and peanut butter are similar, but some features differentiate them. Sunflower butter is thicker than peanut butter. Sunflowers have less sugar than peanut butter. They have differences in taste; the only similarity is that both sides are from the plant.

Nutritional Profiles Of Sunflower Butter And Peanut Butter

Even though both sunflower seed butter and peanut butter are from plants, the similarities end there. Their nutrient profiles, textures, and flavors significantly vary.

Sunflower Butter

Sunflower seed butter has more minerals and four times the iron and vitamin E found in peanut butter. There’s also more magnesium, manganese, selenium, phosphorus, copper, and zinc.

Sunflower seed butter is high in monounsaturated fat, the healthiest fat type.

Peanut Butter 

Because the oils added to most peanut butter have 30% more saturated fat than all-natural peanut butter. If you want peanut butter with similar fat content to sunflower butter, look for all-natural peanut butter that hasn’t added any oil. Choosing a USDA organic or non-GMO and organic natural peanut butter offers the perfect quality nut butter.

Peanut butter provides somewhat more protein than the other two types of butter, with seven grams per serving. Peanut butter has roughly 10 to 20 fewer calories than sunflower butter and has higher protein.


Sunflower butter

Sunflower Butter is a nut butter that is thicker than peanut butter. However, it is commonly blended with a small amount of sunflower oil to lighten it up.

Peanut Butter 

Peanut butter is oilier than sunflower seed butter because it often contains palm oil, and peanuts have more fat than sunflower seeds. Natural peanut butter contains peanuts and no palm oil in most cases.


Sunflower butter

SunButter has a gentler, earthier flavor. It has a similar taste to sunflower seeds. However, because butter can be a little bitter, sugar is frequently added to sweeten it. SunButter offers roughly 1.7 grams of sugar per serving.

Peanut Butter 

On the other hand, Peanut butter usually has a sweeter flavor because it contains nearly twice as much sugar. There are three grams of sugar in regular peanut butter.

Health Advantages Of Sunflower Butter vs Peanut Butter

Both sunflower seed butter and peanut butter are abundant in protein and healthy fats. They can benefit your skin, your brain, and your muscle-building efforts.

Furthermore, both spreads can aid in the prevention of cancer, heart disease, and blood sugar regulation. However, they have their own set of advantages worth highlighting.

Sunflower Butter

Sunflower seed butter includes more monounsaturated fat, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, copper, iron, manganese, vitamin E, and selenium than peanut butter. But according to one published assessment comparing several forms of nut kinds of butter, it includes less fiber, calcium, and potassium.

Health Benefits of Sunflower Butter

May Help You Lose or Maintain A Healthy Weight

The sense of being satisfied and full after eating is aided by dietary fat. However, fat has nine calories per gram, whereas carbohydrates and protein have just four calories per gram. As a result, some people trying to lose weight may choose a diet lower in fat, higher in protein, and higher in carbohydrates.

May Assist In The Prevention Of Cell Damage

Antioxidants are known to be present in sunflower seeds—antioxidants aid in protecting the body against cellular damage produced by free radicals. Free radicals are produced naturally and contribute to the formation of free radicals in the body. Antioxidants should be obtained from food rather than supplements.

Inflammation And Disease Risk May Be Reduced

Specific sunflower seed components may have anti-inflammatory properties and may aid in preventing several chronic diseases. Sunflower seed phytosterols have been linked to decreased blood cholesterol, enhanced immune response, and risk factors for diseases, including cancer. Phytosterols are plant-based sterols that have a structure comparable to cholesterol in the body. However, they compete with cholesterol in the digestive tract for absorption when ingested into the diet. It may aid in lowering blood cholesterol levels in the body. 

Health Benefits Of Peanut Butter

Peanut butter, when used in moderation and as part of a healthy diet, may have the following health advantages:

Loss Of Weight

According to several studies and experts, eating peanuts and other nuts can help people maintain weight or even lose weight. This could be because peanuts, with their high protein, fat, and fiber content, increase satiety or the sense of being full. And researchers have started that consuming nuts, such as peanuts, lowers the chance of being overweight or obese. 


Peanut butter is a simple way to add calories to your diet. Many bodybuilders and fitness fanatics use peanut butter in their diets for various reasons. Although calorie quantities vary depending on stature, activity level, and metabolic rate, the average daily recommended calorie intake for women is roughly 1,600–2,400 calories per day. For males, it can be up to 3,000 calories per day. Active adult men should consume up to 3,000 calories per day, while active adult women require 2,400 calories per day.

Peanut butter is a simple approach to increasing calorie and unsaturated fat intake due to its high-calorie content. Peanut butter has high protein, necessary for muscle growth and repair. 

Keeping Blood Sugar Levels In Check

Peanut butter is low in carbohydrates and high in fat and protein content, and some fiber. Because of these features, peanut butter which doesn’t add sugar does not affect blood glucose levels. As a result, it may be a viable solution for diabetics. 

The American Diabetes Association proposes that victims use monounsaturated fats instead of saturated fats in their diets. They recommend peanut butter, peanuts, and peanut oil as monounsaturated fat sources. Peanut butter has high magnesium, which is a vitamin essential for those who have diabetes. Continuously high blood sugar levels might lower magnesium levels in the body. Type 2 diabetes and prediabetes have been connected to Magnesium deficiency. 

Lowering The Risk Of Breast Cancer

Consumption of peanut butter, especially from a young age, may reduce the incidence of benign breast disease, which raises the chance of breast cancer.

According to a study published in the journal Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, eating peanut butter and nuts at any age may reduce getting benign breast disease by 30. 

Researchers looking at data discovered that those who ate peanut butter and several other items had a much lower risk of breast cancer, even if they had a family history.

Improving Cardiovascular Health

Many ingredients in peanut butter can help to promote heart health. Peanut butter has a similar fat of protein ratio to olive oil, which is also a heart-healthy choice. According to a study, nut consumption is linked to a lower risk of death from heart disease or other causes. Peanuts, in particular, are recommended by researchers as a cost-effective strategy for some people to improve their heart health.

According to research, putting 46 g of peanuts or peanut butter per day in an American Diabetes Association (ADA) diet plan for six months could benefit the heart, improve blood lipid profiles, and help patients with diabetes lose weight.

On the other hand, Peanut butter is heavy in calories, so if you don’t want to gain weight, you should limit your intake. Increased fat and sodium intake from eating more than the recommended amount is harmful to the heart.

What’s Healthier: Sunflower Butter Or Peanut Butter?

While peanut butter is more traditional, sunflower seed butter appears to outperform it in terms of nutrients. SunButter provides significantly more nutrients and far less of the bad fats found in peanut butter, even though they contain similar minerals and provide similar advantages.

Because the oils added to most peanut butter have 30% more saturated fat than all-natural peanut butter. If you want peanut butter with similar fat content to sunflower butter, look for all-natural peanut butter that hasn’t added any oil. Sunflower seed butter is high in monounsaturated fat, the healthiest fat type.

Peanut butter provides somewhat more protein than the other two types of butter, with seven grams per serving. Peanut butter has roughly 10 to 20 fewer calories than sunflower butter and has higher protein.

Sunflower seeds are regarded as a healthier alternative to peanuts. As a result, Sunflower Butter can be inferred to be more beneficial. They are, nevertheless, both relatively nutritious and can be incorporated into a balanced diet.


Natural butter substitutes include peanut butter and sunflower butter. However, one (peanut)is highly processed and contains many potentially harmful substances, whereas the other is primarily unprocessed. But they have different advantages in the lives of every human.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Sunflower Butter And Peanut Butter Nutritionally Good?

Yes, both butter has good nutritional elements for the human body, such as magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, and copper, and in the case of peanut butter, there is the protein which we all know is good for the body.

Can Sunflower Butter Be Substituted For Peanut Butter?

Yes, sunflower butter can be used in place of peanut butter, especially by people allergic to peanut butter.

Is Sunflower Butter And Peanut Butter Healthy?

These two types of butter are healthy to consume because it has many advantages to your health, as proven by many researchers.

Is Sunflower Butter And Peanut Butter The Same?

No, they are different kinds of butter from other plants entirely; the only similarity is that they are both kinds of butter.