5 Best Potatoes For Stew

Last Updated on May 15, 2022 by

Best Potatoes For Stew

Having a flavorful potato stew is steaming, substantial, and comforting. Imagine having a delicious chuck bite that melts in your mouth. All of this is buried in a rich, delicious broth that is stew-worthy. The delightful stew perfectly covers the potatoes, meat, and veggies. The whole meal goes excellent with fluffy rice or rustic toast. 

But to achieve this fluffiness and delight of your stew, you must use the best potatoes like red potatoes; red potatoes are great for stew; they soften and don’t dissolve. In this post, we will be covering the best potatoes for stew.

Types of Potatoes

Like any other vegetable, Potatoes come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. That’s great because you’ll have no trouble finding something suitable and reaping all of the above benefits. However, keep in mind that some potato varieties may not perform well in a stew. Potatoes may be divided into three types as a general rule. Below are the types of potatoes.

Waxy potatoes

Waxy potatoes have a high moisture content and a hard texture. They have extremely thin skin that is yellowish in color. They keep their form well, particularly when boiling, but their firmness prevents them from absorbing moisture.

Starchy Potatoes

These are the potatoes that produce an excellent taste for stew. They are high in starch and low in moisture content. These potatoes are lighter in color. They have a thick skin and are excellent for stew and soup. An example of a starchy potato is the russets potatoes.


They are legends and very tasty in stews. They contain a medium starch and moisture level, making them suitable for a wide range of recipes. 

Best Potatoes For Stew

The carbohydrate content and texture of each potato vary. The first step to having a delicious stew is choosing the correct potatoes. The starch content of round red and white potatoes is minimal, and they keep their form nicely. Stews and casseroles all benefit from their texture. Here are the best potatoes for stew.

1. Russet Potatoes

They are low in moisture and rich in starch. The mealy texture of the resilient root crop is appealing. When exposed to liquid, russets do not lose their structure rapidly, so they’re ideal for stews. They’re fantastic for making fluffy mashed potatoes. Because they are so absorbent, they create excellent, crisp fries and substantial baked potatoes that soak up the butter and oils nicely. However, avoid overworking russets, especially when creating mashed potatoes, since this can result in a gluey texture.

2. New Potatoes

New potatoes are tubers picked in the midsummer before they are fully mature. Because of their immaturity and whiteness, the skins of these potatoes have a delicate texture and flavor, and the flesh is slightly sweet and creamy. This is ideal for stews since it adds distinct flavor and structure to the dish without the potato’s peel imparting an excessive and potentially undesirable taste.

3. Sweet Potatoes

With its taste character, this potato is perfect for stew. Sweet potatoes have vivid orange flesh and a wide range of health advantages. Vitamin A, antioxidants, and beta-carotene are abundant in them. It would help if you ate it with some fat to get the most out of the variety’s advantages – but keep the fat to a minimum. Boiling sweet potatoes is one of the most effective ways to get health advantages.

4. Purple Potatoes

These multipurpose potatoes are also perfect for stew. They have dark purple skin and are long in shape. When cooked, it retains its color, making your stew colorful and tasty. This kind is exceptional with its high antioxidant content and may be consumed roasted, baked, in potato salad, and, of course, in stews.

5. Red Potatoes

Red potatoes are small and round and are perfect for hearty stews. They cook fast and don’t dissolve easily, and keep their form nicely when cooked in a stew and add color to the stew. Their waxy structure prevents them from absorbing too much water. It helps them maintain their form in dampness and extreme heat.

6. Yukon Gold

Yukon Gold potatoes show up here as well since they keep their form in soups nicely (due to their higher moisture content!) They’re also te perfect texture for fluffier stews!

Why Can Red Potatoes Be Used In Potato Dishes?

Unlike yellow potatoes, red potatoes have a red exterior, and most have white flesh. Red potatoes have a hard waxy texture that makes them ideal for soups and tasty potato salads. They are of reasonable quality. However, they quickly get rotten.

Be ready to utilize these as soon as possible after purchasing them, as they last much less than yellow ones. Some people prefer to boil these potatoes in their skins, but if you do, wash them carefully first.

What Is The Best Potato To Use In Stews That Won’t Dissolve?

Boiling or waxy potatoes are great for stews. They have a high moisture content and relatively little starch—potatoes with a high fluid level and low storage starch stick together better. Yukon Gold potatoes have a medium starch content and keep their form well in soups. Red potatoes and smaller, fresher potatoes like fingerlings are low in starch, making them a terrific soup choice.

Is It Necessary To Peel Potatoes For Stew?

Potato skins may be left on for a stew, and the feel of skin-on potatoes in a stew provides wonderful contrast when biting into them. To get the most out of your potatoes while making soup, peeling and dicing them before cooking will help digestion.

How Do You Keep Stew Potatoes Firm?

If you use a waxy potato, it will not get mushy without further assistance. If you aren’t using a waxy potato, the dish may require an acidic touch to keep the potatoes firm. To supply this essential buffer and obtain the proper consistency, you can add any vinegar, citric acid, or cream of tartar.

Can You Make Stew With Soft Sprouting Potatoes?

Yes! For optimal results, please take off the damaged sections of soft potatoes that have gone soft on their own from sprouting before cooking. We recommend removing any sections with bruises or sprouts since they continue to degrade throughout the cooking process, affecting the recipe guidelines for your soup.

The Best Potato for Hearty Stews

Baking potatoes, such as Russets or Idahos, is a good choice if your stew has some substance. They’ll hold up nicely in a robust stew since they have more starch and moisture than other potatoes.

How To Select The Best Potato For Stew 

When selecting the ideal potato for soup or stew, your preferences are key. Do you prefer a rich, creamy soup? If that’s the case, a starchy potato like a Russet is your best choice. A waxy potato, such as a Yukon Gold, may be preferable if you like a thinner soup with more liquid.

Ensure to thoroughly wash the potato before using it, regardless of the kind. Because potatoes typically have dirt and bacteria on their skin, it’s critical to clean them before cooking properly.

Best Potatoes For Stew

When preparing potatoes for stew, a few things to bear in mind. To begin, select the appropriate potato variety. While several varieties of potatoes are available, not all of them will work well in a soup or stew. Waxy potatoes, such as red potatoes or Yukon Golds, will maintain their shape better when cooked and not turn to mush.

Second, before adding the potatoes to the stew, ensure they are well cooked. Potatoes that have not been fully cooked will be tough and unpleasant to consume. Simmering potatoes in water or broth until soft is the best way to prepare them for stew.

Third, add the potatoes to the stew after the cooking time. This will prevent them from becoming mushy due to overcooking.


  • Pound of potatoes
  • Olive oil
  • Two cups of water
  • Half a teaspoon of salt
  • One chopped onion
  • Three cups of vegetable broth
  • Pepper 

In a soup saucepan, heat the oil over medium heat. Cook the onion until it becomes transparent.

Combine the potatoes, broth, water, salt, and pepper in a large saucepan. Bring the soup to a boil, then turn off the heat. Cook the soup for 20 minutes, or until the potatoes are tender. Serve immediately.

Tips For Tender Beef Stew With Potatoes

Remove any excess moisture from beef chunks before browning; this crucial step ensures that the meat browns smoothly instead of “steams.” Along those lines, you may need to cook the meat in stages since overflowing the pot will prevent it from browning evenly.

You don’t have to use a costly bottle of red wine for this, but you should pick one that you enjoy. You might use a good pinot noir or syrah that you appreciate.

The stew can be thickened with a pinch of flour. You may add a cornstarch slurry to keep the stew gluten-free (start with 1 TB cornstarch fully dissolved in 1 TB cool water; increase as needed.)

Picking the right potatoes for your stew is ideal. Potatoes add flavor add firmness to our stew; choosing the wrong type of potato will surely make your stew watery. Russet potatoes, Yukon gold, and red potatoes are perfect for that delicious beef stew you love.