Can I Use Honey Instead Of Molasses? Find Out!

Last Updated on July 10, 2022 by

Have you recently sat down with a fantastic recipe and prepared to make a gingerbread home when you discovered it asks for molasses and you don’t have any at home. Even though molasses isn’t the most often used ingredient in cooking, it still goes into some delicious meals. So, what about honey? Can I use honey instead of molasses in my recipe?

Yes, you can use honey. Two fairly common sugar replacements that might sometimes be confused for one another are honey and molasses. Since honey has a thicker consistency than maple syrup, the end product will have a texture akin to molasses.

8 Best Substitutes For Molasses

1. Honey 

Nothing compares to honey in every way. In many recipes, this bee byproduct may be used in place of molasses as a sweet, sticky replacement. However, substituting honey has significant disadvantages. While honey may be substituted for molasses, doing so may significantly alter the taste of the finished dish. 

Not every honey has the same flavor, which adds to the complexity. This is because bees utilize various floral nectars depending on their location and the plants that are accessible. Although the sheer variety of honey, each with its distinct taste, might be daunting, don’t let that stop you from experimenting with it in your molasses-based recipes. Consider it a chance to add more flavors and develop something original.

Recommended Maple Syrup To Buy

Bee Harmony American Raw Clover Honey

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Bee Harmony is ethically sourced and supplied in a glass jar that can be reused. This honey can be used as a substitute for molasses. You’ll notice a decadently smooth and silky texture with a well-balanced flavor when you have your first taste. It has a clear, pure taste that isn’t overbearing. This honey is the ideal sweetener for tea, coffee, smoothies, yogurt parfaits, salad dressings, marinades, or baked goods.

2. Sorghum Grains

You may be familiar with sorghum grains, which are well-known for their nutritional value and as a gluten-free substitute for wheat flour. Like sugar cane, the sorghum plant’s stalks can be crushed to create a syrup that may be substituted for molasses. You should be aware of a few significant distinctions between sorghum and molasses before rushing to your neighborhood supermarket.

One difference between sorghum syrup and light, dark, or blackstrap molasses is their taste. In contrast to molasses, it tastes a bit sweeter while retaining a sense of sourness. Sorghum is often not as thick as even light molasses, the thinnest member of the molasses family, so keep that in mind. Despite that, it may still be a viable replacement if you make the appropriate modifications. Ensure to reduce the quantity of sugar used in your dish since sorghum is sweeter than molasses. 

3. Treacle

This next molasses alternative may be difficult to get depending on where you live, but don’t let that deter you. Like molasses, another syrup manufactured from sugar cane called Treacle is available in various flavors. For instance, because black Treacle has a similar bittersweet taste profile to blackstrap molasses, you could use it in place of it in your recipe. However, if a recipe calls for light molasses, light Treacle, sometimes referred to as golden syrup, can be a preferable option. Because black Treacle is so potent, you should use it sparingly in your recipes, depending on the taste you’re trying for.

4. Agave

Blue agave plant syrup works well in your morning coffee or favorite dishes instead of white sugar. But don’t assume that agave syrup can’t be used in place of other ingredients in your cupboard, like molasses.

Agave syrup is a decent molasses alternative. That does not imply that you can swap molasses for agave in a recipe. If you’re using agave syrup instead of molasses, you’ll need less agave to get the same sweetness since agave syrup is substantially sweeter than cane sugar. Trial and error could be involved, but the outcome might be well worth the further work.

Although agave offers several benefits, it is quite expensive. Although it is far sweeter than sugar, it is also significantly more costly. The good news is that this sweet syrup works well as a substitute for honey, granulated sugar, and molasses. If you like pancakes, your preferred flapjack topping may be sweetly replaced with amber agave syrup.

5. Date syrup

Don’t forget about date syrup if you need to replace the molasses. This sweet syrup gives whatever you’re baking a unique caramel flavor and a hue comparable to caramel. Not only that, but date syrup also has other benefits. Depending on the recipe, date syrup may replace honey and maple syrup in addition to being a decent alternative for molasses. 

It may also be used as a topping for oatmeal, waffles, and pancakes. You must change the proportions of your ingredients if you want to use them in baking. In most recipes, you may use less date syrup for sugar. Date syrup is also liquid, not like granulated sugar. Due to this, you may want to halve the quantities of the other liquid components to prevent creating a batter that is more like soup.

6. Barley Malt Syrup

This next molasses alternative could be ideal for your requirements if you’re preparing food or baking for someone watching their sugar consumption. Even though barley malt syrup contains sugar, it is low in fructose, the form of sugar most closely related to health problems. In comparison to other sweet syrups, it also has more nutrients. It is an excellent molasses replacement. 

Barley malt syrup’s flavor and texture are extremely similar to molasses, particularly the blackstrap version. It has a less strong taste and is less sweet than molasses.

Of course, barley malt syrup is available online and in physical shops under various names, including malted cereal syrup, malt syrup, barley syrup, and dark malt syrup. You may also manufacture your barley malt syrup at home; this is not a simple DIY job. However, it takes many days to complete the procedure, from soaking the grains to filtering the syrup.

7. Maple Syrup

This following molasses alternative will be extremely well known to any IHOP enthusiast. However, did you know that there are several varieties of maple syrup? You often use golden maple syrup, for instance, while making pancakes. However, instead of choosing its lighter, sweeter relative, choose black maple syrup if you’re baking with molasses and are genuinely looking for a maple syrup that works well in baked products.

Of course, there are more types of maple syrup than golden and dark. Amber maple syrup, which lies between the two in terms of color and flavor, may be preferable for certain recipes. Alternatively, if your recipe asks for molasses that is deeper in color, you could wish to amp things up using dark maple syrup.

Whichever brand you choose, maple syrup has a significant benefit over certain alternative molasses substitutes: When substituting additional ingredients from this list, you may need to alter the proportions; however, if you use maple syrup in place of molasses, you won’t likely need to make any significant changes to your recipes. Still, before making any adjustments to a recipe’s formula, you should always test the dish in the kitchen.

Recommended Maple Syrup To Buy

Coombs Family Farms Organic Maple Syrup

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Coombs Family Farms Organic Maple Syrup is a wonderful nutrient-rich sugar alternative for molasses that is 100 percent pure and natural, with nothing added or taken away. This syrup only comes from the most delicious maple ingredients in terms of taste, flavor, scent, and color. Coombs Family Farms Organic Maple Syrup is excellent for providing natural sweetness to a wide range of meals, including pancakes, waffles, and other foods. Additionally, it is vegan and vegetarian-friendly and has Kosher certification.

8. Dark Corn Syrup

Remember that not all corn syrups are created equal, just as not all molasses, before you reject this proposal as harmful. Yes, high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) has received attention and, as a result, has developed a questionable reputation for having a detrimental effect on your health. However, don’t let this deter you from trying black corn syrup as a potential molasses replacement in your favorite dishes.

Nutritional labels must state if a corn syrup includes HFCS. So you may get a dark corn syrup devoid of HFCS by doing some investigation. And it could be worthwhile since corn syrup can level out rich desserts like pecan pie. Corn syrup is a nice textural addition to many high-sugar dishes since it doesn’t crystallize. To make this specific molasses substitute work, there are a few small issues that you’ll need to fix.

You may find dark corn syrup too weak for certain recipes since it doesn’t have the same taste as molasses. Of course, this is a matter of taste and may be improved with the perfect blend of spices. While dark corn syrup does aid in the lovely moistness of baked products, it does not help activate baking soda the way molasses does. Thankfully, this can be fixed without significantly changing the recipe. Add a few drops of lemon or cream of tartar, or substitute baking powder for the baking soda.

What Is A Healthy Substitute For Molasses?

Molasses may be replaced with nutritious alternatives like honey, treacle, and maple sugar. These alternatives won’t taste the same and will have a different texture, but if you want a healthy option, those are your choices.

What Does Molasses Taste Like?

Molasses come in various flavors, but they all generally have a sweet, smokey taste. Given that it is manufactured from the same primary element as sugar, it seems natural that the sweetness is comparable to sugars. The boiling and cooking provide a smokey flavor. The smoky taste will become stronger and even more harsh the darker the molasses. The molasses that is the lightest in color will taste the most like simple syrup.

Conclusion On Can I Use Honey Instead Of Molasses

One of the oldest and most organic sweeteners people have used since the beginning of time is honey. Molasses may be substituted for honey. You may also find agave, corn syrup, and maple syrup in your kitchen as substitutes for molasses too.