Can You Eat Radish Leaves [Raw or Cooked]?

Last Updated on March 22, 2023 by Claire

Radishes are a tasty and healthy root vegetable, however, many people don’t know if the leaves can be eaten or not. So, can you eat radish leaves? Even though radish greens are often discarded, they can be a healthy part of your diet. In this article, not only will we talk about whether radish leaves are edible or not, but we’d also look at their possible health benefits.

Can you eat radish leaves?

Can you eat radish leaves

You can eat radish leaves! Radish leaves are edible and nutritious. They contain a variety of vitamins and minerals such as vitamin C, vitamin K, folate, calcium, and potassium.

However, radish leaves have a slightly bitter taste, so some people may not enjoy them as much as the radish root. If you find the taste too bitter, try cooking the leaves, as this will help reduce the bitterness.

Radish leaves can be used in a variety of dishes:

  • salads
  • soups
  • stir-fries, and
  • stews

You can also use them in smoothies or juice them along with other fruits and vegetables for a healthy and nutritious drink.

Make sure your radish leaves are clean and free of any dirt before eating. Wash them thoroughly under running water and then pat them dry with a clean towel or paper towel before using them in your cooking.

What are the benefits of eating radish leaves?

Radish leaves have a lot of health benefits, here are some of the amazing benefits of eating radish leaves:

1. Contains a lot of dietary fibers

Radish leaves have a higher percentage of roughage than radishes themselves. Fiber aids in digestion and the additional roughage also helps.

Uncomfortable conditions like a bloated stomach or constipation can be easily controlled when you eat radish leaves.

2. Treats piles

It has been proven that eating radish leaves help with painful situations like piles. It helps to reduce swelling and inflammation because of its antibacterial qualities. 

To use radish leaves for the pile, grind the dry radish leaves into a powder and mix with the same amount of sugar and a little bit of water to make a paste. This paste can be eaten or put on the area where there is swelling.

3. Offers more vital vitamins and minerals

Radish leaves contain greater nutrients than the rest of the vegetables. They help give you a healthy meal full of nutrients and essential minerals including

  • iron
  • calcium
  • folic acid
  • vitamin C,
  • phosphorus
  • Vitamin K (according to the Healthline experts)

Your body needs the nutrients above to do more optimally. Also, radish leaves have vitamin A, which helps improve your eyesight in significant ways.

4. It’s antiscorbutic

Radish leaves have a property that makes them antiscorbutic. Simply put, they keep people from getting scurvy. It shouldn’t be a surprise to find out that radish leaves have better antiscorbutic properties than radish roots because the leaves have more vitamin C than the roots.

Consider eating radish leaves once a week with other leafy veggies in your meal.

5. Treat jaundice

Radish green leaves are used to treat diseases like jaundice, which is caused by too much bile in the body. It has been proven that radish leaves can help treat this problem.

The leaves must be crushed, and the juice must be strained through a porous cloth. Jaundice can be cured by drinking a half liter of this juice every day for ten days. People who don’t have time to get the juice on their own can buy radish leaf juice at many herbal medicine shops.

6. Jeal rheumatism

Rheumatism is likely one of the diseases that hurt the most. The knee joints get swollen and cause a lot of pain.

A paste can be made by mixing the juice from radish leaves with the same amount of sugar and a little bit of water. Put this paste on the knee joints to help them feel better. Using this paste regularly will help lessen pain and reduce swelling.

7. It acts as a detoxifying agent

Radish leaves have a lot of nutrients. These nutrients and the antibacterial and antimicrobial properties of radish leaves help the body get rid of toxins and clean itself out.

Anthocyanin, which is full of antioxidants, helps keep the heart healthy. Vitamin C boosts collagen production and helps the skin stay flexible.

8. Radish leaf is low in calories

Radish leaves are a great way to add to a healthy, well-balanced diet because they are low in calories. They are a nutrient-dense food with only about 10 to 15 calories per serving. They can help you feel full and pleased without eating too many calories.

Can I eat radish leaves raw?

You can eat radish greens raw. They are great in salads or as a topping for sandwiches. However, radish leaves have a slightly bitter taste —especially mature leaves that may not be to everyone’s liking.

If you find the taste too strong, you can cook them lightly by steaming or sautéing them with some garlic or onion for more flavor.

Don’t forget to wash them well to get rid of any dirt or other things that might be on them. Be sure the leaves are fresh and show no signs of going bad before eating. 

How to eat radish greens?

Radish leaves can be eaten in the same way as other leafy veggies. It makes your meals taste better and gives you more nutrients. Here are some ideas on how to eat radish leaves:

1. Add to Salad

Radish leaves can be used in salads in the same way that other vegetables are used. Simply dice and throw into a salad with other vegetables or your favorite sauce

2. Sauteed

Garlic, onion, and olive oil may be used to sauté radish leaves. This makes a tasty side dish that is rich in nutrients for you.

3. Use it to make pesto

Radish leaves can also be used to make pesto sauce. Blend the leaves, garlic, parmesan cheese, pine nuts, and olive oil in a food processor until the mixture is smooth. This may be put on bread or used as a sauce for pasta.

4. Blend into smoothies

Radish leaves can be added to smoothies for a nutrient boost. Simply blend the leaves with other fruits and vegetables to make a healthy and delicious.

Read also: you’re probably unaware that acorns are healthy to eat


Are radish leaves healthy to eat?

Yes, radish leaves are healthy to eat. They have a lot of vitamins and minerals which makes them highly nutritious/healthy for our health.

Is it good to eat radish leaves?

Radish leaves are good to eat. Radish leaves are good both raw and cooked. Even though raw radish leaves can feel a little fuzzy and gross, this goes away when they are cooked.

What is the best way to eat radish leaves?

When radish greens reach maturity, they often develop a fuzzy texture or bitter taste, making them more suitable for cooking purposes. Similar to other leafy greens, radish greens can be prepared through sautéing, braising, or steaming. Consider incorporating them into various dishes such as soups, stews, curries, stir-fries, frittatas, or quiches.

Can you eat white radish leaves?

You can eat the white radish leaves. They are the same as green leaves and are both good for your health.