Does a Coffee Maker Boil Water?

Last Updated on January 24, 2023 by Claire

Does a coffee maker boil water? Boiling water using a coffee maker is always tempting, especially if you don’t have a stove to boil. Coffee makers make water hot but don’t go up the range of the boiling point of water therefore they can only make water hot but not steamy or boiling.

Does a coffee maker boil water?

Does a coffee maker boil water

It has been noticed that coffee brewed with boiling water is usually not the best as the coffee ground is totally burnt out, hence, the coffee maker does not boil water. Even coffee makers which can be placed on a stove or cooker can reach the boiling of water but drops immediately to the required temperature.

Recently, most coffee pots come with dispensers and hot water reservoirs where hot water can be stored for later use while giving the coffee the best taste. This water reservoir normalizes the water temperature to the required water for coffee making.

Meanwhile, the temperature of water in a coffee maker depends on the newness of the coffee maker. A new coffee maker boils water for coffee within the range of 198 to 205 Fahrenheit while an older coffee maker boils water at a lesser range.

Keurig coffee maker, for example, boils water at the range of 192°F which is less than the normal range of the National Coffee Association but according to the company, that is the optimal temperature for brewing coffee, tea, etc.

What is the boiling point of water?

At sea level, boiling water has a temperature of 100° Celcius (212 Fahrenheit), per ThoughtCo. This water is heated to the point of producing steam. It can be used for cooking, sterilization for equipment, and also drinking when cool.

The difference between hot water and boiling water is the temperature as boiling water is hotter than the usual hot water and produces more steam. 

The only type of coffee maker that boil water is the type that can be placed on a stove or cooker. These types include; Percolators and Moka pots. Although Percolators are not really in use, Moka pots are still being used.

How do Coffee Makers Heat Water?

With the help of an aluminum or copper heating coil, coffee makers can heat water. In the process of boiling water, steam rises on the tube located on the upper side and condenses back to hot water.

Water vapor is pushed up the output tube when bubbles formed around the coil push condensed hot water bubbles up. The steam bubbles which condense at the output tubes become dripping water.

Brewing coffee using a percolator needs special skills in temperature control manually as this coffee pot boils water above 212 degrees Fahrenheit. This also means boiling water can be easily achieved with the use of a percolator.

Can a coffee maker purify water?

According to the New York Department of Health,  it is reported that a 99.999% kill of water-borne microorganisms can be achieved at 149°F/65°C in five minutes of exposure and a good coffee maker boils up to 205 Fahrenheit. Therefore to some extent, the coffee maker can purify water but not fully as it cannot reach the boiling point of water.

Despite the fact that coffee makers cleanse water to some extent, it is not safe to put unclean water in the machine as it damages the machine. It is for this reason that it is usually advised to purify water before putting it in a coffee maker as it won’t totally purify the water and mineral deposits from unclean water can cause a malfunction of the coffee maker.

How to heat water with a coffee maker

Speaking of water heating, you can make use of the coffee maker to heat water but you won’t get the best results, thus, you’ll need to heat the water using a saucepan on a stove. Follow these steps to heat water using your coffee maker:

Clean your stovetop and coffee maker

Wash and clean your stovetop and coffee maker thoroughly. This is to avoid having remains of coffee beans or coffee grounds in your water thereby making it look unclear and dirty.

Change the coffee filter

Change the coffee filter with a new one and pour cold water into the water reservoir. Use this cold water to run the system, this is to make sure the water is clear and can be used.

Add water

When this is done, it’s time to get your hot water ready. Pour your bottled or tap water into your clean water reservoir, for extra protection, place the filter in the filter basket and turn on the brewing button. 

Let the coffee maker heat

After the coffee maker is done, get your hot water safe for any purpose. You can keep it cool to drink or keep it to the appropriate temperature if you want to prepare noodles.


A coffee maker may not be able to meet the boiling point of water but then with the close range, this means the water from the coffee maker can be used for lots of things as most people make use of hot water and not necessarily boiling water.

However, if you need boiling water, you shouldn’t hesitate to make use of the stove as this is one of the most convenient methods of boiling water without fear of the side effects. It also helps cut down the cost of the damage as the coffee maker might be seriously damaged due to the boiling water.