Fuse for Samsung Microwave: All You Need to Know

Last Updated on October 30, 2022 by Claire

The fuse for Samsung microwave is a component of the device which protects the microwave from sudden power surges overheating and overflow of electric voltage. It can therefore get blown in any of these situations, requiring it to be replaced.

Samsung microwave has won the hearts of many over the years with its outstanding and uniquely advanced features. This unit is protected by two fuses, the thermal and line fuse, either of which can get damaged when there is a power surge or overheating.

Unlike other components of Samsung microwave, you cannot reset the fuse, rather, it must be replaced when blown.

Here, you will learn:

  • the role of the fuse for Samsung microwave;
  • how to know when the fuse is blown; and
  • how to locate the fuse as well as how to replace a blown fuse.

So, if you are a Samsung microwave user or an enthusiast of the machine, ensure to stick to the end of this article to learn everything about fuse for Samsung microwave.

fuse for Samsung microwave

Is there a fuse in my Samsung microwave?

Samsung microwave is a high-energy electronic kitchen machine. As such, the microwave is prone to damage from power surges, overheating, or high inflow of voltage.

Samsung microwave is protected by two fuses which cut off the connection between the microwave and the power source when there is a surge in power. While the microwave is protected, the fuse on other hand gets damaged. Hence, it is considered a protective component of the machine.

Thermal or glass fuse gets damaged by a power surge or overheating while the line or ceramic fuse is mostly damaged by the flow of excess voltage. Neither of these fuses can be reset and require complete replacement.

How do you know if a fuse is blown in my Samsung microwave?

When the fuse for the Samsung microwave gets blown or damaged, the microwave automatically stops working. This is however not enough to make a diagnosis of a damaged or blown fuse. Other components of the microwave such as the food, capacitor, transformer, control board, and others could as well cause the microwave to stop working.

A blown or damaged fuse can however be identified easily. Upon inspection, a blown Samsung microwave fuse shows certain classical signs depending on the construction material of the fuse.

The thermal fuse is a glass fuse and provides overheating protection. When the fuse is blown as a result of overheating, it will leave burn or scorch marks with melted filament.

On the other hand, the line fuse is a ceramic fuse that also protects against a sudden large flow of voltage. When blown or damaged the fuse shows continuity when tested with a multimeter or ohm meter. If the multimeter reading is 0, it means the fuse is working.

If none of the fuses shows either of these signs, you should consider checking other parts of the microwave.

Where is the fuse located in a Samsung microwave oven?

When the fuse for the Samsung microwave is blown, there is a need to locate, inspect and replace the fuse.

The location of a microwave fuse depends on the model of the microwave. As for the Samsung microwave, its fuse can be accessed by removing the backside of the oven. The fuse is found around the magnetron or oven capacity within the cabinet.

Your user guide manual of the microwave contains a description of the exact location of the fuse and a wiring diagram that represents the fuse with a narrow rectangle.

If successfully located, the fuse can be removed and replaced with a new one. Here is how to go about the replacement of the old fuse with a new one.

How to replace Samsung microwave fuse

Samsung microwave is a high-energy unit. A single mistake with the machine could cause you to be electrocuted. Therefore, do not attempt to replace the fuse unless you possess the requisite knowledge and skill.

Fuse replacement should be carried out while taking precautionary measures such as unplugging the power cord and removal of the capacitance. If you have no idea how this works, it’s best to hand over the microwave to professionals.

Moreover, I recommend you follow this guide https://www.samsung.com/nz/support/home-appliances/my-microwave-does-not-work-properly-what-could-do-before-i-call-a-repairman/ to know what to do before you request service on the broken microwave.

That said, below are the steps to replace Samsung microwave fuse:

1. Unplug the power cord from the electric outlet

As a safety precaution unplugged the power cord from the electric outlet. This can not be overemphasized.

A shock from a microwave can have devastating effects. You may also consider removing the capacitance due to its stored energy.

2. Remove the access panel and find the fuse

Next, remove the access panel at the back of the microwave. Now, locate the fuse in the cabinet around the magnetron. Unscrew the fuse using an appropriate tool.

3. Replace your microwave fuse

Detach the old fuse and replace it with a new one. Ensure the new fuse is of the same rating as the old one. Put back the access panel. And that is it.

The fuse for the Samsung microwave does not get blown or damaged without an underlying cause. This should be identified and resolved. So do not just stop at replacing the damaged fuse.

If this is done right, the microwave should work again efficiently. If it fails, then the fault may not be with the fuse but with other causes such as the food, capacitance, transformer, magnetron, and others.

Repair and replacement of parts of the microwave is a huge ordeal with the risk of real danger. Users of Samsung microwaves with little or no experience with electronic kitchen devices should avoid meddling with the device and leave the replacement of the fuse to professionals.

Besides, in addition to changing the fuse, it is also important to identify the cause of the fuse problem. Otherwise, the new fuse can be subject to the same problem as the old one. Such diagnostics procedures require adequate knowledge skills and experience which you may lack.


The fuse for Samsung microwave protects the device from overheating as well as from sudden power surges. They are sacrificed in the process and need to be replaced to get the microwave working again.