What Temperature To Cook Fish? Revealed!

Last Updated on June 11, 2022 by

Here, we will talk about What Temperature To Cook Fish? Fish can be tricky to cook to the perfect temperature. This can cause it to come out tough, dry, or just totally inedible. The secret lies in choosing the best cooking methods for each fish type. Fish holds its internal temperature better than other meats, so you don’t have to cook it for long. The trick is knowing how long to grill, steam, or deep-fry a filet. It often comes down to stories of ruined fish dinners and too-charred crusts.

Reaching the correct cooking temperature for fish is not easy because we are not always sure of the type of fish it is. But by knowing some basic rules, you’ll have an easy time cooking your fish perfectly and deliciously. While cooking, use a thermometer to check if the internal temperature of your fish is 145 degrees Fahrenheit (63 degrees Celsius).

Fish is a good source of protein and healthy fats, but it also contains high levels of omega-3 fatty acids. To preserve these nutrients, you should cook fish to a temperature that’s slightly below the recommended minimum for other foods.

What Temperature To Cook Fish?

The best temperature to cook fish is a matter of personal preference. It depends on the type of fish you’re cooking, as well as how you plan to serve it.

In general, fish is done when it flakes easily with a fork. There are some exceptions: Salmon and other oily fish should be cooked until they have lost all traces of redness in the flesh. Very fresh fish should be cooked just until opaque throughout, not longer.

Some Fish tends to dry out when cooked (such as cod or haddock) and should be cooked at lower temperatures and for less time than delicate filets such as sole or flounder.

A salmon steak will be done at a lower temperature than a whole salmon filet because it’s thinner and cooks more quickly. If you’re cooking a whole salmon or another large piece of fish, use an instant-read thermometer inserted into the thickest part (avoiding bone). 

The internal temperature should be 120 degrees Fahrenheit for rare; 135 degrees for medium-rare; 145 degrees for medium; 160 degrees for well-done.

How To Cook Fish

Cooking fish is easy. You can sauté it, roast it, broil it or grill it. The secret to cooking fish is to make sure that the pan is hot before you put the fish in. This ensures that the fish doesn’t stick to the pan and that its natural moisture stays inside so that it doesn’t dry out.

Baking And Grilling

Baking fish filets in a preheated oven is easy. Brush the fillets with oil or melted butter, season with salt, pepper, and other spices as desired, and bake at 350°F, until cooked through (about 10 minutes per inch of thickness). Baked fish can be served with fresh lemon juice, wine vinegar, or other sauces. Grilled fish should be seasoned with salt and pepper before cooking on an outdoor grill over medium-high heat. Cooked fish should be kept warm until serving time.


Stepping up steamed flaky white fish like cod or halibut is simple: season with salt, pepper, and herbs; wrap in parchment paper; then steam in a covered pan over simmering water for 10 minutes per inch of thickness or until cooked through (do not overcook!). Steaming allows the natural juices to remain in the fish while it cooks gently in its moisture without becoming dry or tough.


Heat a nonstick skillet over medium-high heat until hot but not smoking. Add oil and swirl to coat the pan bottom. Place filets skin-side up in the pan, being careful not to crowd them (you may have to cook them in batches). Cook until golden brown on the bottom, then flip and continue cooking until golden brown on both sides and opaque throughout (about 5 minutes per side). Remove from heat; transfer filets to plate lined with paper towels and pat dry before serving.


Preheat the oven to 400°F/200°C/gas mark 6; place the rack in the middle position. Place fillets on a large rimmed baking sheet lined with parchment paper; sprinkle with salt, pepper, and lemon juice; distribute garlic cloves around filets (don’t add any butter or oil). Roast for 10 minutes, then serve.

Preferred Fish To Cook And What Do I Need?

You’ll need a pan or grill for cooking your fish, as well as some oil or butter for sautéing (if you’re not grilling). You’ll also need some spices, we recommend salt, pepper, and some lemon juice or other acidic liquid like vinegar or lemonade if you want to add flavor. Finally, don’t forget about any side dishes. Sites like broccoli or rice are great accompaniments to grilled fish.


Salmon is a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids and protein. It’s also low in mercury and high in vitamins A and D. The most common type of salmon is Atlantic salmon, which is often farmed or farmed. Other types include wild Pacific salmon, which comes from Alaska or Canada, and the Copper River Salmon from a river in Alaska.


Tuna is another popular fish that’s high in omega-3 fatty acids and protein. Tuna may also protect against heart disease, stroke, cancer, and Alzheimer’s disease. Tuna is usually canned as albacore or yellowfin tuna, but it can also be found fresh or frozen at your local grocery store or seafood market.

Whitefish (Cod)

Cod has been around for thousands of years and is still one of the most popular fish today. Cod is a great source of lean protein, vitamin D, and selenium. Selenium helps your body fight off free radicals that damage cells in your body over time. Cod is also naturally low in mercury making it safe for pregnant women to consume as well as children under the age of 12 months who need the extra nutrients this fish offers them.

What Temperature Should Cod Be Cooked At?

400 degrees Fahrenheit is the most common temperature for baking cod. How long you bake the fish will depend on how big it is. You should give your cod at least 10 minutes to cook. The FDA says that cod is best when the temperature inside is 145 degrees Fahrenheit. A Cod’s internal temperature can be a very important thing to know.

When you bake fresh cod, there is a chance that the fish has parasites. Even though parasites can be found in all fish and food, they are more common in codfish. If your cod was already frozen, you could bake it at 120 degrees Fahrenheit without harm. If you don’t know if your cod was frozen or fresh, cook it at 145 degrees Fahrenheit.

Essential Tips To Look Out For When Buying Fish

Before you buy and cook fish, make sure you have the right tools for the job. Here are some essential tips to help you prepare yourself for success.

  1. Check the freshness of your fish by looking at its eyes: They should be clear and bulging with a shiny surface. If they’re cloudy or sunken, pass on them.
  2. Gently press down on the fish’s flesh with your thumb; it should spring back into shape within seconds. If it stays indented, don’t buy it; this means it was probably frozen before being sold to you.
  3. Ask your fishmonger whether he or she has cleaned and scaled the fish for you; if so, great! If not, ask someone else because cleaning fish yourself takes ages (and most people aren’t very good at it).
  4. If you’re buying salmon or other fatty fish such as mackerel or trout, ask your butcher to remove any pin bones before wrapping them up in paper so that they don’t get stuck in your throat when you eat them later on (or worse).

What Oils Should I Use To Cook My Fish With?

There are many different kinds of cooking oils available today: olive oil, peanut oil, vegetable oil. The best kind of oil to use depends on what kind of dish you’re making and what kind of flavor profile you want in your food—but generally speaking, any type of vegetable oil will work well for frying or sautéing foods like chicken or vegetables because they’re all relatively neutral flavor-wise.

How Can I Tell If My Fish Is Fresh?

Fresh fish will have firm skin and feel heavy in your hand when you pick it up at the store. If it feels light or soft, then leave it on the shelf and get something else instead. You can also ask an employee at your local grocery store if they have any fresh fish available so that you don’t end up with something that was frozen or previously frozen before it was shipped to their store. This can affect its taste and texture when cooked properly in your kitchen at home.

Conclusion on What Temperature To Cook Fish?

I hope you found this guide helpful. If you want to cook fish at home, then keep it simple. There is so much flavor in fish if you let it speak for itself. The best way to prepare fish is to keep it simple, meanwhile making sure that the fish cooks evenly and that the flavors are permeating throughout the meat. To be more specific, try to avoid over-seasoning your fish when you cook it at home. The only species that should be added to fish are garlic pepper, salt, pepper, or perhaps lemon wedges if you want a bit of citrus flavor on top.