How To Bake Fish – Expert Tips

Last Updated on June 8, 2022 by

Fish is an excellent source of protein, making it an ideal choice for vegetarians and meat-lovers alike. It’s also loaded with vitamin B12, niacin, and selenium. The problem is that overcooking fish can dry it out or make it challenging, while undercooked fish can give you food poisoning. 

Place a piece of foil on top of each fish filet. Before closing the packets, brush them with butter and, if desired, add some vegetables. Preheat the oven to 400°F (220°C) and bake for 15 minutes.

How To Bake Fish

  • Preheat the oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Using a large piece of foil to create a packet, approximately 12 to 14 inches long, line a medium baking dish. Top the fish with tomatoes, olive oil, and parsley in the baking dish.
  • Fold in the top and bottom of the foil, then fold the edges inwards around the fish. To make a package, pinch the foil together.
  • Bake for 18-20 minutes, or until flaky and opaque fish is achieved. Gently open the package to prevent spilling the fluids when the food is done. 
  • Serve right away.

Why Bake Fish?

Baked fish is a healthy alternative to fried or grilled fish. It’s also easy to prepare and cook, and you can use any fish you like. Baking fish often involves a simple preparation of the fish with some seasonings, such as salt, pepper, and lemon juice, then baking it in the oven. 

The best way to determine how long it will take is to check the internal temperature of the fish when it is done. You can easily do this using a meat thermometer inserted into the thickest part of the fish. This will ensure that the inside has reached its optimal temperature, guaranteeing that your baked fish turns out just right

There are other reasons why baking fish is preferred. They are;

Healthy & Easy

It is a healthy and easy way to prepare your favorite seafood dish. It’s also a great way to ensure you don’t overcook the delicate fish. Also, Baking is healthier than frying. Frying is one of the most common ways of cooking fish, but one of the reasons why people avoid it is because it adds a lot of calories and fat content into their diet. 

However, baking does not have such side effects as no oils are used during this process. Therefore, if you want to eat healthy food that contains fewer calories, then baking can be a good option for you.

Easy Cleanup

Baking sheets are designed to withstand high temperatures, so there’s no need for special cleanup. You can wipe the baking sheet with a paper towel.

Less Chance Of Overcooking

Baking is one of the easiest ways to cook fish because it doesn’t require any stirring or flipping of the food during cooking time. This means less time in your kitchen and less chance of overcooking your fish.

It’s Simple

Baking fish is one of the easiest ways to cook fish at home because there are few ingredients involved in most recipes. You need olive oil, salt and pepper for seasoning, lemon juice for flavoring, and some herbs for garnish if desired. You can also add vegetables like garlic cloves or tomatoes for added flavor and wine or vinegar for extra taste enhancement during cooking time.

The Result Is Moist And Juicy

The slippery surface helps keep moisture in the filet while it bakes, so your baked salmon will be tender and flaky with no dry spots.

It Saves Time  

A whole salmon filet might take 20 minutes to cook if you saute it, but 10 minutes in the oven will do the trick fine without sacrificing taste or texture.

How Long Does It Take To Bake Fish?

As far as timing goes for other types of baked fish recipes, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer here either because these are all recipes with different ingredients. However, most of them will take about 20 minutes at 400 degrees Fahrenheit (200 degrees Celsius).

The length of time it takes to bake fish depends on the type of fish, how thick it is, and what you’re using for a baking dish.

  • If you have a whole fish, such as salmon or trout, you will need to bake it for about 15 minutes per inch of thickness. So a 1-inch thick fish will take about 15 minutes to bake, while a 3-inch thick one might take 45 minutes or more.
  • If you have filets, then the thickness of the filet will determine how long it takes to bake them. A 1/2 inch thick piece of cod should be baked for about 10 minutes for each inch of thickness. For example, a 1-inch thick piece would take 20 minutes in the oven, and a 2-inch thick piece would take 40 minutes.
  • You can also bake fish in foil packets or baking dishes with other ingredients such as vegetables and herbs. This method is suitable for keeping your fish moist while cooking

Types Of Fish To Bake

Baking fish is a great way to prepare it. It’s quick and easy and doesn’t require any special equipment. Here are some types of fish you can bake:


The skin on salmon tends to stick to the foil when baking, so it may not be possible to bake this type of fish without foil.


Cod doesn’t have much fat, so it won’t release much oil, making it ideal for baking without foil. However, cod has bones that should be removed before baking because they will make it difficult to remove from your dish after cooking.


Tuna has more fat than cod does, so it may not be as suitable for baking without foil unless you’re using a nonstick pan or one with low sides that makes it easier for you to remove the tuna from its pan after cooking.


Mackerel is an oily fish that has a strong taste when it is uncooked but turns soft and tender when cooked with other ingredients such as tomatoes, onions, garlic, and ginger along with spices like turmeric, cinnamon, cloves, etc. 


Trout is a firm and lean white fish that is low in calories. It has a mild flavor and can be baked, boiled, or fried.


The swordfish has a strong flavor and texture, making it perfect for baking. The meat can be cut into cubes and then marinated before being placed in the oven.


The snapper has a firm texture that makes it great for baking. You can use this fish in soups or stews or even as a main course. While in the oven, you can have your favorite spices and seasoning added to it before placing it inside your oven for about 45 minutes at 350 degrees Fahrenheit.


This mild-tasting white fish is often called “aquatic chicken” because it bakes up extraordinarily moist and tender when cooked correctly. Tilapia tastes best when prepared simply with salt, pepper, and lemon juice before being baked in foil packets with vegetables such as tomatoes or squash slices.

Tips For Baking Fish

Baking is the best way to cook fish. It’s low-fat, healthy, and delicious, but only if you do it right.

Here are some tips for baking fish

  • Buy fresh fish that smells like the ocean. If you have any doubts about its freshness, ask your grocer or seafood seller when it was caught.
  • Make sure your oven is clean before you start baking your fish. A slightly greasy pan can lead to sticking and burning of the fish filet.
  • Use a rack in a roasting pan that’s large enough to hold the fish while allowing steam to escape from underneath it (so it doesn’t end up soggy).
  • Season the fish with salt, pepper, and herbs before cooking; sprinkle on some lemon juice or other acid just before serving; or place lemon wedges on top of the cooked fish — all these add flavor without adding fat.

Frequently Asked Questions 

Q1 : Why do I need to bake fish?

Baking brings out the natural flavors of the fish and lets it cook evenly. Baking is also a great way to cook delicate fish and seafood, as it keeps them moist and tender.

Q2: How long should I bake fish?

It depends on the thickness of the fish, but generally speaking, you want to bake it until it flakes easily with a fork. You can test this by inserting a thermometer into the thickest part of the fish, or by cutting into a piece and checking for opaque flesh.

Q3: Can I use different types of parchment paper for baking?

Yes. Parchment paper can be used more than once if you’re careful about cleaning it between uses so that there’s no residue from previous foods on your pan’s surface. 

Q4: What kind of fish do you bake?

You can use almost any kind of fish or seafood in this dish. For example, you can use salmon, cod, haddock, tuna, shrimp, and even scallops. You can also add vegetables to your dish like onions,

Conclusion on How To Bake Fish

Baking fish is a quick and easy way to prepare a delicious meal. The type of fish you choose will determine how long it takes to bake. Fish that has been baked is a great meal that can be quickly prepared and still provides many of the nutrients fish offers. The great thing about fish is it can be baked by itself or in a dish with other ingredients for added flavor and texture. 

The baking time can vary depending on how you want it to taste when finished. We hope this guide will help you bake fish whenever your cravings arise. Baking time can range from 10 minutes for a thin filet to 45 minutes for a thick one. 

The best way to check if your fish is done is by using an instant-read thermometer. This will give you an accurate reading of the internal temperature of the fish, which should be at least 145 degrees Fahrenheit or 63 degrees Celsius before it’s considered safe to eat.

It’s also important to note that baking times may vary depending on the thickness of the fish, as well as what type of pan you use (a metal pan will heat up faster than an insulated glass one).