How Long Does Corn On The Cob Last? Find Out

Last Updated on May 23, 2022 by

How Long Does Corn On The Cob Last? Fresh fruits and vegetables decay faster due to a lack of preservatives and chemicals designed to make them last longer. While each fruit and vegetable has a somewhat different schedule for how long it lasts before spoiling, it typically only takes a few days — maybe even a week — for fresh food to degrade.

Many of us are unfamiliar with corn on the cob when it comes to corn on the cob. We know it tastes wonderful, but unlike other veggies, such as bell peppers or tomatoes, how long does corn on the cob last?

The duration of corn on the cob varies on whether it has been shucked and whether it is cooked or uncooked. Corn that has not been sucked or cooked will last for one to three days. Shucked corn can stay just as long if adequately wrapped. Once cooked, corn on the cob will keep in the refrigerator for approximately five days.

How To Tell If Your Corn Is Bad

Eating spoiled maize may make you extremely ill. As a result, it’s critical to understand what causes maize to spoil and how to identify whether it’s gone bad. Bacteria may develop when exposed to wetness. Moisture may penetrate the husks, but it can also accumulate on shucked corn.

As a result, you should not wash the maize before storing it in the refrigerator. If you find discoloration in the husks, silk, or kernels, discard it. Sometimes the corn may smell bad but exhibit no indications of deterioration. Spoiled corn will have a sour and rotten odor.

How Long Can You Keep Uncooked Corn On The Cob?

Raw corn on the cob may be adequately preserved for one to three days. There are a few strategies you can use to increase the shelf life of fresh corn on the cob. Do not remove the husks of raw corn on the cob. The corn will survive longer if the husks are left on.

Cover the uncooked corn in plastic wrap or foil if you’ve already removed the husks. This ensures that the corn on the cob will stay as long as it would if the husks were still on.

How Long is Corn Good for at Room Temperature?

While the fridge is best for keeping new corn fresh and the freezer keeps it fresher, the pantry is another option for corn preservation. We’ll teach you how to store corn for a long time and detect when it’s beyond its prime.

Remove the kernels from the corn cobs by shucking, cleaning, and slicing them off. Fill the jars halfway with corn, allowing one inch of headspace. Bring a saucepan of water to a boil, then pour it over the corn, leaving a gap at the top.

Add a half teaspoon of canning salt to each jar, clean the rims, and screw the lids on. Process the jars for 55 minutes using the pressure canning procedure for your model. Before opening the canner, turn off the heat and wait for the gauge to reach zero.

Before checking the seals, remove the pint jars and let them cool fully. They are not sealed if the lid pops. This implies that canned corn cannot be stored in the pantry and must be used immediately.

Whether you have canned corn in your cupboard and aren’t sure if it’s rotten or not, use your senses to find out. If the kernels have an off-color odor or mold, they are ruined and should be discarded. Whether you grill corn or boil corn, fresh corn on the cob, gently salted and oozing with melted butter, is a favorite.

This summer harvest finds its way to the farmers’ market and grocery store, and understanding how to store it to preserve its taste and texture is essential for enjoying great corn all year.

What Does Bad Corn On The Cob Look Like

There are many more ways to tell whether corn on the cob is rotten, smells rancid, and has a slimy appearance and texture. Pay particular attention to the husks and silk while buying corn on the cob at the grocery store. Look attentively at the husk’s tip in particular. If that, or the silk around the husk’s tip, has become dark brown, the corn is old but not necessarily rotten.

To ensure that the corn on the cob you purchase at the shop meets your expectations, look for corn with fresh, green husks and silks that are white or yellow and highly delicate. As a general rule, treat corn on the cob the same way you would any other vegetable you purchase. It’s probably not safe to consume if it feels mushy, has a notably dark color, or has a strange odor.

How To Freeze Unshucked Corn

You may freeze corn with the husks still on if you are short on time or don’t want to take the effort to shuck it. Trim about one inch off each end of the cob, just as you would with shucked corn. Leave some of the husks intact. Remove the first layer from each ear instead.

After you’ve finished that, it’s time to put the corn in freezer bags. You must securely seal the bags to remove all air. Place the bag in the freezer with the date written on it. Corn should last two to three months when kept in this manner. Remove the corn from the bags when preparing to cook it to enable it to defrost and shuck more easily.

How Long Does Cooked Corn On The Cob Stay Fresh

Even if you and your family like corn on the cob, you could have a few extra ears after your lunch. You should save excellent corn in your refrigerator rather than throwing it out. When you do, bear in mind that neatly wrapped cooked corn on the cob will only last around five to seven days. As a result, please don’t put it in a spot in your fridge where other items will hide it, or you’ll forget about it and miss out on some delicious leftover corn on the cob.

When it’s time to consume the corn from the fridge, you can either reheat it in the microwave or put the ears into a pan of boiling water on the stove. If you’re using the microwave, place the corn on the cob in a microwave-safe dish, cover it with a moist paper towel, and reheat in 20-second intervals, turning it after each increment. Allow three minutes to simmer in boiling water if using the stove technique. 

Though the corn will be somewhat more cooked, it will still taste fresh. The use of boiling water also lowers the likelihood of any kernels hardening or bursting, which may occur when reheating in a microwave oven.

How To Remove Corn From Cob And Freeze

You may clip the corn off the ears and freeze it in bags if you want fresh corn but don’t want to eat it off the cob every time. As with previous ways, you’ll start by shucking and washing the corn. After the corn has been blanched, take the kernels off the cob.

This may be done using a knife. Using a sawing motion, cut from top to bottom. On the other hand, a corn remover like [easyazon_link identifier=”B09N9PQHZJ” locale=”US” tag=”realikal-20″]Magic Corn Cutter Peeler[/easyazon_link] may make the operation both simpler and safer. Place the kernels in freezer bags after removing them from the cob. The maize will keep fresh for around eight to ten months using this procedure.

Is It Possible To Freeze Fresh Corn On The Cob?

Like other vegetables (and even fruits), fresh corn on the cob may be kept in the freezer to extend its shelf life. Uncooked corn on the cob may stay up to three days in the refrigerator, while whole corn on the cob can keep up to eight months or longer in the freezer. On the other hand, corn on the cob should survive forever if stored at a constant temperature of 0°F.

Start by husking the corn, removing the silk, and cleaning the corn on the cob before freezing it. Blanch the corn next. You may accomplish this by immersing it in boiling water for seven to eleven minutes on the stovetop. Then instantly chill in ice-cold water. We recommend draining the cob of excess moisture before packaging it in sealed freezer containers.

It’s also possible to freeze whole kernel corn. To do so, pull the silk from the corn and wash it. Blanch for a fourth time for four minutes, then chill in ice-cold water. Drain the cob and remove the kernels, which should be stored in sealed freezer bags.

Can I Shuck Corn Ahead Of Time?

It is advisable to avoid shucking corn ahead of time. If you’re going to shuck corn ahead of time, don’t leave it out. Corn that has been shucked must be kept refrigerated. Leaving corn unhusked permits germs and moisture to gather on the surface, increasing the risk of being ill from the product.

Conclusion on How Long Does Corn On The Cob Last?

Corn on the cob is sweet and delicious. It must, however, be kept promptly after purchase. It only lasts one to three days when kept in the refrigerator. Various freezing ways can keep fresh corn fresh for three months to a year if you want to stock up before the season ends.