How to Soundproof a Dishwasher [Get Quiet dB]

Last Updated on January 25, 2023 by Claire

The loud noise from the dishwasher is the least expected problem that just showed up and it’s getting so bad as you cannot even concentrate on any other thing at that moment. Well, what you want to do is “soundproof a dishwasher”. Most times you have to wear your ear protectors just because you want to make use of your dishwasher and it doesn’t entirely help as that loud sound still disturbs you a lot.

How to soundproof a dishwasher

How to soundproof a dishwasher

The noise keeps getting worse? Let’s do something about it. Here are the simple steps to follow to soundproof your dishwasher and get a noise-free and good-going dishwasher.

1. Disconnect the dishwasher plug from the power source

Your safety comes first so it is advised to make all electrical disconnections to ensure safety.

This helps eliminate the fear of getting electrocuted as all electrical plugins are being removed. After this, you can position your dishwasher where you can comfortably work on it.

2. Detach the door panel

This needs some level of experience to be done but it’s quite simple to carry out. With the help of a screwdriver, you can remove all the screws from the edge of the dishwasher. This enables you to remove the door easily.

You can get a special tutorial on how to execute that job perfectly to avoid making a mistake.

3. Take measurements

To get the perfect fit of soundproof material for your dishwasher, you need to take measurements of the length, width, and depth of the dishwasher without the panel.

This enables you to get a perfect fit without causing any fault.

4. Buy and install the soundproof material

After taking the measurements of the dishwasher, buy the right soundproof material with the right size.

Cut the material to a perfect size that will fit the dishwasher and also ensure the depth is correctly cut as this is more difficult to get than the length and width.

Install it in the dishwasher carefully and perfectly and replace the panel where it was. Ensure to fix all screw back to how it was

5. Detach the water lines

Another essential place in the dishwasher that needs soundproofing is the back of dishwasher.

To make this possible, you’ll have to disconnect all the water lines carefully and drag the dishwasher from the wall to give you sufficient visibility and space to do the work better.

6. Install an insulating blanket

The insulating blanket usually comes with the dishwasher when purchased but it gets worn out as it is used over time.

This insulation blanket is attached to the dishwasher with the help of the rivets. To remove the old blanket, carefully get rid of the blanket with pins or needle pliers.

With the help of the rivets, insert another insulating blanket for use and push it to the frame. This helps the rivets get locked in place automatically.

7. Attach soundproofing mat

The soundproofing mat helps minimize the noise from the back wall of the dishwasher and keep the dishwasher quieter. Cut the soundproofing mat into two horizontal and two vertical strips.

Attach the strips to the back of the dishwasher while using a strong adhesive to keep them in place.

8. Put the dishwasher back together

Once you’re done, couple the dishwasher back to how it was. Reconnect the water lines and ensure it is as it was.

Return the dishwasher to its original position and plug the electrical cord back. Do a test run on the dishwasher to see if you did a great job dampening the noise.

If the noise persists loudly even after these procedures, contact your electrician as it will need the services of an expert to detect the actual problem or cause of it.

Ensure you have exhausted all the possible options before contemplating getting a new dishwasher as this will help save money.

Why is my dishwasher noisy?

Having a soundproof dishwasher is every home user’s happiness and it becomes a thing of worry when the dishwasher starts giving out loud sounds especially when loaded with dishes.

What really causes this noise and why?

1. Defective drain pump

The drain pump might malfunction as it gets clogged with food debris while washing the dishes. You can clean the pump and remove the debris for better performance or you can as well get a new replacement.

2. Broken bearings

This can also cause a loud noise from the dishwasher as bearings and seals might get broken or worn out. This is mostly possible because these bearings and seals are usually made of plastic. If this happens, you can easily replace them to lessen the noise.

3. Damaged impeller

The impeller is used by the circulation pump and drain pump to propel water through the wash arms and drain hose respectively. This impeller might get dislodged or broken thereby causing an offensive noise when in use. Depending on the type of dishwasher you own, you might be able to change the impeller independently without changing the pumps.

4. Malfunctioning circulation pump

The circulation pump might get worn out over time thereby resulting in a noisy dishwasher when in use. You’ll have to change the entire circulation pump.

Per Whirlpool, dishwashers typically have noise levels between 40 to 50 decibels (dBA), with models on the lower end measuring quieter than their counterparts. So, if yours is anything unusual, you have to work to do to get it back to operating more quietly.

Can you add soundproofing to a dishwasher?

Some dishwashers can be very noisy when loaded with dishes. This can be due to how old the dishwasher is or due to a fault in the dishwasher. Whatever the cause of the noise, it’s unpleasant to the ear and needs to be taken care of immediately for the sake of human health.

Soundproofing materials can be added or installed into a dishwasher as it will help eliminate or dampen the noise from the dishwasher. This can be done by you or an expert if you are not sure of yourself but the steps are simple. 

What is a Quiet Dishwasher dB?

The dishwasher noise level is measured in “A-weighted Decibels (dBA). This measures the loudness of sound in a human ear. Every increase of 10 decibels doubles the perceived noise level of a dishwasher.

The optimal decibel level of a quiet dishwasher is 38 dBA but any dishwasher with a decibel level of 44 dBA and below can be said to be a quiet dishwasher. However, a dishwasher with a decibel level of 50 dBA and above is known to be average.

Final thought

The noise from your dishwasher can be fixed and turned back to the normal dishwasher with a smooth sound. It is also pertinent to note that this noise can be due to mishandling of the dishwasher, it is advised to give your dishwasher the best care possible.

You don’t need to get a brand new dishwasher every time your dishwasher develops a fault because you’ll keep on spending continuously. Try and get some things fixed by yourself even before putting a call through to your electrician but ensure you do it well.