Author: Claire

Welcome to Kitchein! My name is Claire and I am a full-time Chef. Here at Kitchein, we offer the best tips and guide you need for your kitchen. We are here to support everyone that loves to either eat or cook. What category do you fall under? We are also fully aware of and understand the importance of kitchen safety in our homes.

How often should I Change my Coffee Filter?

Coffee, in different parts of the world happens to be a regular part of many people’s day to day lifestyle, the easier it is to make coffee with good quality and taste, the better. Something that’s taken so often should be easy to make, the more reason it is important to optimize every process involved in coffee making including the …

Can You Put a Hot Coffee Mug in the Freezer?

The question of Can You Put a Hot Coffee Mug in the Freezer is actually a question of safety. While trying to enjoy your coffee how you like it, you must understand that there might be results or things you should not do. Maybe you want your cup of coffee to be cold or iced after it has been brewed …